Clara Springs Camp and Conference is more than just a summer camp. It is a Ministry that was created over 70 years ago, through generous donors in District Eight Baptist Convention, to provide an environment that encourages campers to draw closer to the Lord during their stay. Whether attending one of our many camps, conferences, or retreats, we pray that All our campers will be spiritually changed. Another part of our ministry is working alongside churches and various ministries to plan and host events for Sunday school classes, youth Disciple Nows, Men's Conferences, Women's Enrichment, Senior Adult Outings, Deacon & Staff, and the list goes on......
How can we serve You & Your Ministry?
Main Office (318) 796-3875
Bro. Bubba/Manager (318) 230-3773
Mrs. Mandi/Ministry Assistant (318)453-6881
Physical Address/Mailing Address:
4420 Hwy 177
Pelican, Louisiana 71063